Youth Day 2022

Failed Hope

By: Dr (hc) Yolanda Petersen

The increase of Apathy amongst our Youth

Apathy: “the lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern”.
Apathy – fuelled by the ever-increasing corruption both within the organs of state, corporate landscape, and the guileless slithering into civil society through senseless killings, fear of life and livelihoods. The moral fibre of our humanity is infested by the overbearing presence of the apathetic mind.
Is it not true that we have become numb to the 1976 brutal crackdown by the police that set off a wave of protest and violent
conflicts across South Africa?

Furthermore, is it not true that we have deprived ourselves of any reasonable sensation as it relates to the
commemoration and meaning of Youth Day?
The subtle nuances which slay a Hope for a Future for our current Youth is indeed met with apathy.
Todays’ Youth are faced with issues that no previous generation has ever seen. The advancement of technology has amplified the modern-day struggles of our youth. The prevalence of digital communication has changed the way WE interact…. changed the way our teens interact.
Historical remembrance has faded into a mere blur on the horizon.
Out sight, out of mind, non-relevant.
Failed Hope?
I think not, for as long as a collective consciousness of hope prevails, our Youth has a fighting chance.

“Not all generations will remain clueless – there will be a generation who will shake off apathy and stand up and effect change as never seen before” – This is my hope for our Youth of today!

– Dr (hc) Yolanda Petersen


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