As The Global Village winds down a whirlwind 2022 year, a year of non Covid19 restrictions, disruptions, and lockdowns. A year in which every citizen in every nation allowed themselves some leeway to breathe. That pause for breath triggered the necessary thought around our individual, communal, societal, and global modus operandi.
The great “shift” has set in. Our palates chewed on and digested the uncomfortable phrase: “The New Normal”. This new norm changed the way we conduct commercial activity. It changed the way we live, play and work.
It certainly changed the way [BEGET] SPMS sought to do business this year! I steered far off-course the intended route. The result: one department – [BEGET] Supply Chain division has been permanently dropped from under the Group of service offerings. [BEGET] Projects Division contended strong, with an outright win within the [BEGET] Procurement Division. Procurement has grown exponentially this year.
With the uncertainty that 2022 held in the first quarter, I diverted my focus off my company and onto self-development, capacity building and personal growth. I needed to “Find-Me-Again” before I could adequately and constructively pour into my business, partners and projects. By far, the best decision ever! Not only have I pushed through with pronounced intentionality, but I have also “enlarged the place of my tent, stretched my curtains wide, I have not held back, lengthened my cords and strengthened my stakes.” In true Isaiah 54: 2 style!
They say that “the upper end of a whirlwind almost always terminates in some form of strong convective phenomenon, usually updraft”! Four quarters up, with 2 days remaining. A time to reflect on purpose! Looking back on this 2022 year, honestly, much of it has been a blur! But here we are! The moments of joy have certainly been distinct. One International Award, two South African Awards, one Local Award bagged, marked progression on social impact projects, continual empowerment of our Youth, both the girl and boy-child, the privilege of having engaged through speaking on numerous platforms worldwide, guest appearances on global talk shows, my appointment as Head of Global Advisory Board spanning 22 countries and a big win, my pending studies through Harvard University!
Has this year been easy? By no means!
Has it set the foundation for the 2023 year? Absolutely!
My prayer for all of you: “May the seeds that you have diligently planted in this whirlwind year of 2022, bring forth much fruit in 2023”! May the Love of God, the Peace of Christ and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit go before each one of us!
Dr(hc)Yolanda Petersen
Group Executive Director – [BEGET] Strategic Project Management Solutions
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