You can only know where you’re going if you know where you’ve been…


From The Desk Of Dr.(HC)Yolanda Petersen


As we come to the end of 2021, now is a good time to reflect on where we [beget] SPMS has been and more importantly to outline what the coming year holds in store for our dynamic company.

The COVID-19 outbreak is worsening an already fragile economic outlook. Since early 2020, growth has been modest, but I am elated to share with you that there is light at the end of this tunnel.

What I experienced in my own business, and most business owners will agree with me on this is that the economic landscape in South Africa is a minefield at the moment, unemployment has been rising. Policy uncertainty has been the main driver of low confidence and subdued investment. Following a sharp fiscal deterioration in recent years, the pandemic also heightened debt sustainability challenges. Curbing the public sector wage bill, restructuring SOEs, and expanding spending growth within the higher education space are urgently needed to improve spending efficiency and restore fiscal sustainability.

July 2021 was one of the toughest months in our history as a nation with economic unrest and looting following the incarceration of Jacob Zuma.
All of these factors forced me to relook at what my company’s core service offerings are. We stretched towards and started looking at global opportunities and an enhanced collaborative business model was the result of our mid-year strategic review.

If there is one thing that I have learned from the past year it is this: “ Focus on opportunities and you will attract the right people and partnerships to manifest those opportunities.”
By the end of October 2021, I found myself surrounded by the most amazing people and a host of phenomenal women from around the globe, and out of our collective intention, a plethora of projects and opportunities came into existence.

Some of these are noteworthy projects and partnerships which will be detailed in the [beget]SPMS 2022 Business Review Report.
Despite all the challenges I faced this year my biggest Strategic Partner, My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ has made my cup overflow with amazing business partners and global opportunities.

PDF Download: Letter from GROUP EXECUTIVE-4 (1)

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