One of the very best things that happened to me since starting [ beget] Strategic Project Management Solutions is that I am able to constantly discover. Discover my own strength and confront my weaknesses. The saying goes if you follow your passion you won’t work a day in your life. The problem for 99% of people who work normal 9 to 5 jobs is that they don’t know what their passions are.
To find one’s passion, one first has to find one’s self. This is the key that unlocks the doors of opportunities ( i purposefully use the plural here because that key can and does unlock multiple doors and opportunities). I speak from personal experience when I say finding your passion is not easy ( well for me at least it was not!) You have to take the time to question yourself:
- Who am I?
- What are my interests?
- Am I good enough to take what I ABSOLUTELY love doing and transform that into a product/service that people will find useful? More importantly that they will be willing to pay money for…
I must tell you that passion is not limited to that one thing, yes you may only have one thing that you are passionate about and are very good at doing. The beauty of finding one of your passions is that it leads to more discoveries of other things that you are good at and that you enjoy doing. Sometimes you uncover hidden talents within yourself that you never even knew you had.
I uncovered one such hidden talent within myself this year and it has now become a part of my business! A service offering that I am proud of providing. Something that I absolutely love doing and from all accounts I am very good at and have a natural talent for; Voice-over services.
My voice-over type has been described as friendly, conversational, believable, confident, smooth, radio presenter, authoritative, animated, sincere, corporate, professional, relatable, sophisticated, informative, and educational.
Earlier this year I had the privilege of doing a voice-over for Stellenbosch University – Telematics School Project. One thing that I have to mention is that your passion is contagious. My 6-year-old daughter is constantly mimicking me and she loves public speaking ( one of my other passions/ services) so much so that she recently had a radio slot on Africa/USA Radio – The Burning Bush Show with host Lady Thabang
My message and the lesson that I want to bring with this article is especially aimed at the youth ( another BIG passion of mine) Find your passion, make it your career, and the money will follow. More importantly, you will be doing something that not only pays your bills but and puts food on your table, It will feed your soul.
This quote by one) Vera Wang is so relevant to my message to our youth:
“When you have a passion for something then you (tend not only to be better at it, but you work harder at it too.” – Vera Wang